Sport between business and civil society


By Play the Game
The main theme of the EASM 2012 conference in Aalborg, Denmark, on 18-21 September 2012 will be ‘Sport between business and civil society.’

The theme of EASM 2012, in which Play the Game is taking part, was selected to reflect the dynamics and the rivalry between the traditional sports sector, based on volunteering and non-profit values, and sport as a profit-making tool affected by growing commercialisation and professionalisation of elite sports and professional sports. 

Commercialisation is increasingly seen also in grassroots sports and in sport for all, for example in the fitness sector, in mass participation events, and in other areas of the sports sector.

Many countries and local authorities face increasing challenges in operating and financing public sports facilities in times of economic crisis, in encouraging volunteering and promoting sports participation to improve public health, and in keeping pace with rapidly changing participation patterns of the population in the local and national sports strategies and policies. 

At the same time professional sport suffers increasingly from financial problems and poor governance and on the international level a veritable arms race is taking place in the battle to win international trophies and attract large international sports events.

Extended deadline
We strongly urge academic researchers as well as professional practitioners from the sports sector to contribute to the extensive conference programme in Aalborg. 

The deadline for sending in an abstract has been extended until 10 April. We expect that more than 200-300 presenters will contribute to the conference programme in September with oral presentations or poster presentations.

Read more on the different sessions and workshops here.

Read more about EASM2012 in Aalborg, Denmark here:


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