Former FIFA executive will be keynote speaker at EASM 2012

Photo: Tine Harden


By Play the Game
Former International Director of FIFA, Jérôme Champagne, joins EASM 2012 as a keynote speaker.

University College of Northern Denmark and Danish Institute for Sports Studies are proud to present the first keynote speaker for the international sport management conference EASM 2012, which is held in Aalborg, Denmark, from 18-21 September 2012. 

The former International Director of FIFA, Jérôme Champagne, has accepted giving a keynote speech at the conference. Champagne served as President Sepp Blatter’s closest adviser for 11 years and caused worldwide attention in January when he launched a policy paper called 'Which FIFA for the 21st Century'.

At EASM 2012 Champagne will take a closer look at the European role in world football as part of a series of keynote sessions under the headline “Global sport: Last call for Europe?” Champagne left FIFA in 2010 and first broke his silence about FIFA at Play the Game 2011 in Cologne.

You can see his presentation here.

Since leaving FIFA, Jérôme Champagne has worked as an international consultant in the field of football development.


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