EU Commission bets on match-fixing


By Play the Game

The fight against match-fixing is a high priority in the EU distribution of funds for projects under the preparatory action targeting partnerships in sport. More than 1 million Euros went to projects against match-fixing, making this the area to receive the largest amount of funds from the EU Commission’s sports unit in its latest grants to European projects.

The five projects aiming at fighting match-fixing, which have received funding, come from a wide range of stakeholders in sport, including lottery associations, NGOs and educational institutes.

Transparency International has partnered up with the Association of European Professional Football Leagues (EPFL) and the German Football League (DFL) on a project aiming at building a strategic partnership between national leagues and anticorruption associations.

Another project to receive a grant will tackle the threat of rigged matches by mobilising the entire spectrum of sport while also integrating relevant public authorities in the preventive work.This project is coordinated by Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS) and is supported by both SportAccord and several lottery association including the European Lottery Association.

Also the athletes and players associations have received funding for their fight against match-fixing in two different projects. One coordinated by European Elite Athletes association, another headed by FIFpro. Both these initiatives focus on education to reduce the risk of match-fixing.

Finally, the International Rugby Board has also received a grant for their project which aims more concentrated at the fight against match-fixing in rugby. Other areas to receive funding 

Match-fixing is not the only area to receive funding from the EU Commission in connection to the prepatory action “European Partnership on Sports” that is designed to prepare future EU actions in the field.

Three other areas are also in focus: Four projects will be promoting physical activity among ageing citizens, and five proposals promoting physical activity on municipal level have also received grants. The final area is trans-frontier joint grassroots sport competitions where seven initiatives are granted funds.

In total the EU Commission received 76 applications whereof 21 were granted funds.

Read more about the preparatory action here.


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