Fans not included in EC social dialogue


By Steve Menary
The European social dialogue between the continent's top football clubs and players could be extended to other sports but will not be widened to include fans.

Budapest: The European Commission (EC) initiated the current dialogue that also includes UEFA but supporters are excluded on the basis that they are consumers and can change products even though most fans stick with their clubs regardless of performance.

Speaking to Play the Game at the EU Sport Forum in Budapest, Androulla Vassiliou, EC commissioner for education, culture, multilingualism and youth, said:

"There is a misunderstanding about the dialogue, which is between employees and employers and restricted to football.

"It is a very good idea to be widened to other sports but again only to employers and employees."

Ms Vassiliou added that the role of fans was "very necessary" but that this should be in relation to governance rather than through dialogue.


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