FA wants postponement of FIFA election


By Play the Game
In a statement sent out today, English FA Chairman David Bernstein urges FIFA to postpone the presidential election to take place tomorrow with Sepp Blatter as the only candidate.

On 19 May, the FA stated that they would refrain from voting because of the allegations and the lack of transparency surrounding the organisation.

“Events of the last few days have reinforced our views, and we call on FIFA and ask other national associations to support us with two initiatives.

“First, to postpone the election and give credibility to this process, so any alternative reforming candidate could have the opportunity to stand for President.

“Secondly, to appoint a genuinely independent external party to make recommendations regarding improved governance and compliance procedures and structures throughout the FIFA decision making processes for consideration by the full membership," says Bernstein in the statement.

The FA believes that these measures are necessary to rebuild trust in the way football is governed.

Read the statement here: http://www.thefa.com/TheFA/NewsAndFeatures/2011/FA-statement-fifa-david-bernstein


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