2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics anti-corruption project launched


By Play the Game
“Clean Games Inside and Outside of the Stadium" (Jogos Limpos) is a joint initiative between UN Global Compact and the Brazilian Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility aiming at monitoring public spending and irregularities in relation to the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics which will both take place in Brazil.

The project will cover all 12 Brazilian host cities and hopes to increase transparency, integrity by making anti-corruption agreements with construction companies, the energy sector and other sectors involved in the infrastructure development. A transparency pact will also be entered with public offices to ensure accountability and transparency in public spending.

A newly formed National Committee will coordinate the project a long with national and local committees and representatives from civil society organizations, trade associations and government bodies.

The project which has a 3,1 million US dollars budget, will run for five years and is supported by the Siemens Integrity Initiative.

SOURCE: UN GLOBAL COMPACT and Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility


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