Warner to defy political opposition and continue in FIFA role


By Play the Game
Jack Warner has vowed that he will ignore calls in Trinidad and Tobago to step down from his positions as a vice-president of FIFA and President of CONCACAF and stay in his roles as long as he can use it to help his country.

Keith Rowley, the leader of Trinidad and Tobago's opposition People's National Movement, has claimed that Warner cannot continue in international football after his appointment last month as the new Minister of Works and Transport in the coalition Government.

Warner has already promised to give-up some of his FIFA roles but will not give up his main high-profile jobs.

He said: "At this time, I am listening to all that is being said about my international affiliations and I welcome all to critically examine my life.

"At this time, if my international office can be used to benefit TT, then so be it.

"I have dedicated my life to serving the people of my great land and I will continue to do that no matter what office I hold."

SOURCE: insideworldfootball.biz


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