Russian preparations for the Vancover games compromised by corruption


By Play the Game
Vladimir Putin attended a meeting today where it was revealed that there was evidence of corruption in Russia's $100 million (£66 million) preparations for the Olympics earlier this year in Vancouver, where the team finished only 11th in the medals table - their worst ever performance.

The Audit Chamber, Russia's financial watchdog which prepared the report, said in a statement preparations were "inefficient, imperfect and involved corruption."

The probe had been ordered by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev after Russia won just 15 medals in Vancouver, only three of which were gold, who demanded to know how the 3.3 billion roubles (£66 million/$100 million) budget for the team's preparations had been spent.

Medvedev had warned in March that if any evidence of corruption was uncovered then those suspected of being involved would be prosecuted.

Source: inside the games


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