Russian Premier demands changes after Vancouver disappointment


By Play the Game
President Dmitry Medvedev is demanding changes within the Russian Olympic Committee following the nation's lowest ever medals haul at a Winter Games.

Medvedev has publicly called upon officials within the Russian Olympic Committee to resign, and suggested that if they don't, the decision will be taken out of their own hands.

Those in charge of preparing Russian athletes for the Vancouver games "should take the brave decision and submit their resignations," he said, reports the BBC. "If they cannot do it, we will help them," Mr Medvedev added.

Russia ended the Games with three golds, a far cry from the achievements of Russian and Soviet teams of the past. Russia will host the 2014 Winter Olympics in the city of Sochi. The staging of the Games is seen by many commentators as a symbol of Russia's resurgent political presence on the world stage, and a personal victory for former President and current Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin.



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