New coalition offers alternative to IOC's Gender Policy


By Play the Game
The newly founded Coalition of Athletes for Inclusion in Sport has issued an alternative to the current IOC Gender Policy.

In addition to gender equity, the Coalition seeks a sport system that is open to all people, at all levels of participation recognizing in particular those previously excluded from the narrow definition of what is assumed normal human development.

Kristen Worley, a Canadian high performance track cyclist who has been speaking publicly on the issues of gender discrimination and the treatment of gender variant athletes and has recently taken on a new role as a co-founder of the Coalition.

“Gender is not a black and white issue,” remarks Worley, “and the treatment that some athletes have endured in the name of proving one’s gender is so far removed from the spirit of the Olympic movement of modern day."

The release of the position statement coincides with the IOC Gender Summit which will be taking place on January 16th, 2010 in Miami.

To download the Position Statement of the Coalition of Athletes for Inclusion in Sport, click here.


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