CAS confirms FKL as Kenya football's ruling body


By Play the Game
The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has confirmed FIFA's decision to recognize Football Kenya Ltd. as the African nation's rightful governing body of football.

In doing so, CAS rejected the dissolved Kenya Football Federation's (KFF) claim to represent the country.

The court said in its ruling on Tuesday that there were no "legal grounds that would entitle the KFF to be recognized as a member of FIFA."

FIFA suspended the KFF in October 2006 because of government interference in the running of the federation.

However, KFF said it did not accept the decision.

"We totally reject this ruling, we are very surprised," the KFF Chairman, Sam Nyamweya said.

The dispute between the two parties has continued for more than six years.

"If CAS says we are not members of Fifa and we ought not to have gone to CAS then they should have rejected the case for day one," Mr Nwamweya said.

"We are waiting for our lawyers to advise us on the next course of action and I can assure you we are going to take action."

The head of FKL, Mohamed Hatimy, said he hoped the CAS decision would bring an end to the dispute.

"It is our sincere and earnest hope that through the arbitration of CAS, this long-festering dispute between FKL-KFF has finally been resolved and laid to rest," he said.


SOURCE: BBC Sport & USA Today


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