The Olympic Games


The Olympic Games have been running since 1896 and have undergone several changes in both structure and format since then. How can the Olympic Games continue to be the leading event within the world of sport? Are the Olympic values still valid? How should the Games continue its development while still upholding its current position?

Whereas the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece were held every four years in Olympia, the modern Games move across the world, with a new event held every two years, split between a Winter and Summer event. But what does an event of this size mean to the host city, what are the economic benefit or downturns? Is it necessary to move from city to city, continent to continent, to celebrate sport?

  • Wilbert Stuifbergen, The Hague, Netherlands, 04.10.2009 10:55:
    The Olympic Values are violated in the gravest way in Beijing 2008. I'll just mention Article 5, from the Olympic Charter - see my message below.
    Very close to the Olympic arena's, but also all over in China, Chinese surgeons in the same manner as once Joseph Mengele('40-'45) -kill and cremate Falun Gong.
    See my earlier mail, underneath.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Wilbert
    Sent: Saturday, October 03, 2009 6:12 PM
    Subject: 2008 just as "Olympic" as 1936

    Hello, all readers at Play The Game.
    I am Wilbert Stuifbergen, Dutch member of CIPFG(Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China).
    I spoke at a parallell session at the Conference in Iceland, oct/Nov 2007.

    My issue was then and is still the - as Edward McMillan-Scott, the Vice-president of the European Parliament, puts it - the Genocide on Falun Gong in China since July 1999.

    What this genocide has to do with the Olympics of Beijing, you can all see in the Supplement: On November 8, 2007 Falun Gong were banned from the Games by China, said Li Zhanjun, News Director of the Beijing Olympics media center. "Falun Gong texts, Falun Gong acticvities in China are forbidden." (AP). See Supplement ( CIPFG-Clive's co-letter to IOC-Ban).
    In total there were 43(!!) groups banned by China from the Olympic Games 2008. Other groups that were banned are Tibetans, Uyghurs, People handicapped at riots(China means Tian-Men Square 1989). See . You journalists likely will find more sources on this matter.

    This is a direct violation of the Olympic Charter, article 5. Every Olympic sportsman and -woman - as well as every Member of IOC - has to FIGHT against discrimination based on race, religion, etc. etc..
    But nobody of the complete "Olympic crowd" fought - like they ARE OBLIGED THROUGH THEIR VERY OWN BOOK OF RULES.

    The only one who really wanted to discuss Human Rights, the Olympic Winner Joey Cheek, was banned himself by China - though he had a visum. Cheek wanted to discuss China 's role in Darfur.

    What I simply don't get: the Italian cyclist(Winner Silver at the Road, 2008) got a punishment because of violating Olympic Rules, by taking Doping - but all Olympic Peopel, including the IOC -members - who did not fight against this discrimination, they simply stayed, and even got to keep their medaills...

    Article number 5 is one of the main articles of the Olympics. Hitler violated this Article 5, by banning the German Jews from the 1936 Games. The Jews ended up in crematories just like the Falun Gong, from 2000 up till now. The gaschambers are nowadays operationchambers - The UN Committe Against Torture acknowledges that especially Falun Gong are the victims of the modern Joseph Mengele's, getting killed on the operation table for their organs, see , page 10("Allegations concerning Falun Gong practicioners").

    The UN Committee Against Torture sees a direct connection between the sudden and huge rise of organtransplants in China and the mass imprisonment from Falun Gong. Both started in 1999. The UN Committee follows partially the report "Bloody Harvest" , made by David Kilgour, former Canadian Secretary of State(Asia-Pacific) and former Crown Prosecutor, and David Matas, international human rights attorney. "Blody Harvest"is available on .

    The latest numbers , available from China Liver Transplant Registry, show unmistakenably this direct connection, from 1999 up till May 2009. See Page 10 of . Clearly is the rise from 1999 on.
    According to NTDTV- documentary on (after minute 12.32 ), the site "China Liver Transplant Registry( )" they mention that for 2009 there are some 400 extra livers need to be added to the total till May 2009.
    So this killing still continues on the same high level.

    The UN Committee November 21, 2008 asked China to immediately give free and independent Investigation concerning the Organharvesting from Falun Gong-practicioners, and punish the guilty ones.

    When does the IOC start to follow their own Olympic Charter? When do they start the guilty ones , like :

    1. China. China needs to be barred like South -Africa, as long as they discriminate and kill these groups.
    2. The Olympic Sportsmen - and women, who did not fight discrimination, like they promised
    3. the IOC-members themselves, who also did not fight - like they promised

    I spoke in person with Hein Verbruggen(IOC), on the phone with Anton Geesink(IOC). I also had an official discussion January 17, 2008, at the Round Table, dealing with The Olympics, China and Human Rightswith Dutch Chairwoman Erica Terpstra(NOC*NSF) from the Dutch Olympic Committee. She did not answer my question, concerning Article 5, January,17 2008 at the Carlton Ambassador Hotel, The Hague. She HAS no answer.

    It was a meeting, organized by former Dutch MP(now EU Parliament) Hans Van Baalen(VVD), who himself thougth our Prime -Minister, Balkenende, should not have attended the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Games. Van Baalen mentioned the Organ Harvesting on Falun Gong on a couple of occasions. He was really concerned. Van Baalen is on video - see, from minute 0.50 on.

    The latest news - just heard it on the radio - our IOC-member and to be Dutch king , Crown Prince Willem-Alexander, stated that he thinks footballers from all ages should be able to play at the Games - and not just under 23 years..... Let him deal with the real problems - crematories, where the killed Falun Gong end, are way more important to fight. In 1999 there were at least 70 million Falun Gong, according to the China Sports Administration(AP). How many of the are still alive ?

    Let our Crown Prince follow article 5 - or quit the IOC.....

    With heavily concerns for my sport(football is also Olympic),

    Wilbert Stuifbergen, member CIPFG-Nederland
    van Galenstraat 5 F
    2518 EM Den Haag
    The Netherlands
    tel 00 31 (0)70 - 3456851

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