Roddick calls US Open Twitter regulation attempts lame


Tennis star Andy Roddick, has described attempts by authorities at the US Open tennis tournament to regulate players' Twitter accounts as "lame".

Authorities at the tournament believe that posts on Twitter, a social networking tool that allows users to send out instant messages to followers and the public at large, may potentially breach of anti-corruption rules.

Players have been instructed not to post during matches, or information about the tournament and playing conditions not in the public domain.

"I think it's lame the US Open is trying to regulate our tweeting," Roddick posted on his own Twitter page. "I understand the on-court issue but not sure they can tell us if we can or can't do it on our own time.... we'll see."

"I definitely respect the rule about inside info and on court, but you would seriously have to be a moron to send 'inside info' through a tweet. Not very subtle/smart .... come on."



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