Jens Weinreich receives award for his sports journalistic web blog.

Jens Weinreich at Play the Game 2009. Photo Jens Astrup


By Stine Alvad
The Grimme Online Award was given to Jens Weinreich for his integrity and persistence in his work as an investigative journalist and the distribution of it through his blog.

Jens Weinrich received the award at a ceremony held in Cologne on June 24 and the jury's reason for choosing Weinreich was his large integrity in working persistently with investigative journalism.

"Weinreich documents through enthusiasm and dedication to his blog that intensive investigative journalistic research is hard work", the jury states. The jury also highlights Jens Weinreich’s blog because of its use of the media to provide journalistic material only possible on the internet and for creating a forum of very competent and lively discussions.

The Grimme Online Award is a renowned award handed out once a year to an internet site containing both content, style and courage by the German Adolf Grimme Institute. The award is given to sites showing an outstanding contribution of information of online journalism and information using the internet for both in-depth analysis and reports and for journalistic critique. 

Jens Weinreich was a member of the Play the Game 2009 Programme Committee and also presented his work on the ISL case at the Play the Game 2009 in Coventry in June.

  • Paul Weiler, 07.07.2009 09:28:
    He is an EXPERT in TRANSPARENCY and we need MORE TRANSPARENCY on this world !


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