IAAF to conduct internal review over gender test confidentiality breach


The IAAF will launch an inquiry into confidentiality lapses within the organisation that led to the disclosure that South African athlete Caster Semanya, world champion in the women's 800m, would be undergoing a gender test.

IAAF president, Lamine Diack, described the breach as "regrettable" and promised to tighten up procedures to prevent similar incidents occuring again.

The row has led to accusations of racism in the federation, with South African politicians and sports officials claiming that the the treatment of Semanya is a reflection of Western conceptions of physical appearance being imposed upon African women, and that the IAAF would have behaved differently if Semanya was European.

SOURCE: Inside the Games

  • Georg Facius, 25.09.2009 10:05:
    The website is here:
  • Georg Facius, 25.08.2009 10:04:
    The issue of testíng the sex of Caster Semenya has become a red hot topic all over the world, which is reflected massively on the internet.
    In the knowledge bank of this website there is an article written by me:
    "The Major Medical Blunder of the 20th Century"
    containing in depth information of the question of sex testing.

    Further information can be found on my website.

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