Christer Ahl: Fundamental IHF problems cannot be resolved without new leadership


Christer Ahl of the International Handball Federation (IHF) describes what he calls "the current fundamental problems with IHF management/leadership," in an interview with John Ryan of the independent news and opinion outlet Team Handball News.

Christer Ahl is quoted for stating that "There are so many things that urgently need to be changed: an unacceptable leadership style; a lack of democracy and open debate; a treatment of the Council as a ‘necessary evil’ rather than an important body in the ongoing decision-making; a lack of strategic planning and collective determination of goals and methods; a corresponding lack of participation and transparency in the budget process, with a real accountability at all levels."


  • Otto Seibert Carvajal, Cali, Colombia, 24.07.2011 17:41:
    I need urgently my friend Christer´s advice. PLEASE put me in touch with HIM. TXS
  • Otto Seibert Carvajal, Cali, Colombia, 24.07.2011 17:38:
    Dear Friends: Can a National Federation establish rules for the Players below 15 yo, such as 1st half individual defense 2nd half 3:3, otherwise 7m shot?

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