91 reports found based on your query.
Other reports, publications and longer articles
  • Athletes' Rights and Mega-Sporting Events
    Mega-Sporting Events Platform for Human Rights, Jan 2017
    Athletes are the public face of mega sporting events (MSEs). Athletic performances are essential to the prestige, popularity and viability of MSEs and, in turn, the sporting and business undertakings of International Sporting Organisations such as the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and international sporting federations (ISOs). This white paper considers the position of athletes who are among the key groups affected by MSEs.
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  • A Code for Sports Governance
    UK Sport, Sport England, Jan 2017
    Developed by UK Sport and Sport England, this Code of good Governance is not being launched in a vacuum. In recent years, the UK’s sports sector has shown measurable and substantial improvement in its governance. Many sports organisations have shown a desire and commitment to own their own governance and ensure that it is fit for purpose. There is though still much to do. Diversity in sports sector boardrooms is still an issue and requires sustainable change. This Code is an opportunity for public investors to work hand-in-hand with the sector to continue this journey. Some organisations are further ahead than others, and many Requirements will stretch organisations beyond where they are now.
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  • McLaren Independent Investigation Report - Part 2
    By Richard H McLaren, WADA, Dec 2016
    An investigation into the allegations of Russian state manipulation of the doping control process, which were made by Dr. Grigory Rodchenkov, the former director of the WADA-accredited laboratory in Moscow. The report is authored by Canadian Richard McLaren.
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  • Study on Gender-based Violence in Sport
    By Tine Vertommen, Melanie Lang, Lut Mergaert, Catarina Arnaut, European Commission, Dec 2016
    This study by the EU Commission provides an overview of the legal and policy frameworks, describes initiatives promoted by sport and civil society organisations, identifies best practice in combatting gender-based violence in sport and makes recommendations for future action.
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  • Equal Access for Migrant Volunteers to Sports Clubs in Europe. A baseline study.
    By Victoria Schwenzer, ESPIN/Camino, Dec 2016
    This study investigates how far migrants and ethnic minorities have equal access to the structures of organized sports in Europe, exploring above all to which extent they commit themselves as volunteers and hold honorary positions in sports clubs – as coaches or board members, for instance. It covers the large area of grassroots sports, excluding the professional sector.
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  • The Performance and Effectiveness of the Cycliste Professionnels Associés (CPA): An External Audit and Review
    By Steve Maxwell, Joe Harris, The Outer Line, Dec 2016
    The Cycliste Professionnels Associés (CPA) was formed in 1999 to act as an umbrella organisation with the objective of coordinating the national pro-cyclist groups more efficiently. However, the CPA effort to realise its objective has been constrained by its small size and ongoing lack of financial resources. In a four-part analysis and review of the association, The Outer Line provides an overview of the organisation’s history, objectives, expectations and how it is performing today.
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