UCI’s role in the Armstrong doping scandal under investigation


By Play the Game

The International Cycling Union (UCI) announced last Friday that an investigation into its role in the Armstrong doping scandal will be undertaken by a three-member Independent Commission chaired by British judge Philip Otton.

Among the subjects of investigation, the Independent Commission is set to determine whether or not the UCI was aware that Armstrong and the USPS Team were involved in the use of performance enhancing drugs and whether or not the UCI was negligent in the collection of evidence and enforcement of its rules in relation to the Armstrong case. 

The Commission is scheduled to conclude its investigation and issue a report including its recommendations by 1 June 2013. This does not leave much time for an investigation of such magnitude and has resulted in a lot of scepticism, writes journalist Roger Pielke Jr. 

In his blog, Pielke presents the full list of subjects of investigation. He argues that both the Independent Commission and the investigation's terms of reference are strong and have a sweeping mandate.

“If the investigation is anywhere as comprehensive and as sound as the USADA's "reasoned decision" then it stands a good chance of setting a very important precedent in the governance of sport”, argues Pielke and continues, “of course, if the investigation does not live up to these high expectations, the fallout will likely be severe.”

Read more on Roger Pielke’s blog ‘The Least Thing’

See the Independent Commission’s full Terms of Reference here

Find more information about the Independent Commission here  


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