Former UEFA president Johansson calls for investigation into corruption allegations against Blatter


By Play the Game

Lennart Johansson, the challenger Sepp Blatter had to beat when he first became president of FIFA, wants a probe into allegations that Blatter promised to sell World Cup television rights to a voter in return for support at the election. 

The allegation has been made by former FIFA vice president and president of CONCACAF Jack Warner, who stated that Blatter sold him the broadcasting rights in Trinidad & Tobago for $1. So far, Blatter has not directly commented on the allegation, although FIFA has made a statement claiming that Warner’s comment included “several inaccuracies and falsehoods.” 
“I think I’m entitled to talk about it because I was the second candidate at the election in 1998,” Johansson said in an interview.

“Mr. Warner made us aware of really what’s happened by telling us about it. Then if he’s telling a lie that should be proved” writes Bloomberg.

Warner said he was also granted television rights to World Cup tournaments in 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014 editions. 
“We need to investigate Warner’s comments for the reputation of football not to help Mr. Warner,” Johansson said. 
SOURCE: Bloomberg


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