Jack Warner quits FIFA in the midst of corruption investigations


By Play the Game
While the FIFA Ethics Committee is investigating a row of corruption allegations that include now ex-President of CONCACAF Jack Warner, he has decided to resign from all international football activities.

"As a consequence of Mr Warner’s self-determined resignation, all Ethics Committee procedures against him have been closed and the presumption of innocence is maintained," FIFA said in a statement on Monday according to Worldfootballinsider.

According to the FIFA statement, Warner has resigned from his duties in FIFA in order to “focus on his important work on behalf of the people and government of Trinidad & Tobago as a Cabinet Minister and as the Chairman of the United National Congress, the major party in his country’s coalition government."

Warner himself said in an interview with Bloomberg:

"I lost my enthusiasm to continue"

Warner was under investigation of bribery allegations against him and fellow FIFA Ex-Co Member Muhamad bin Hammam related to the recent FIFA Presidential election.



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