Sports Governance Observer 2019. An assessment of good governance in six international sports federations.

By Jens Alm, October 2019

The Sports Governance Observer 2019 report employs the SGO 2018 benchmarking instrument to assess the governance of six international federations. The aim is to stimulate an open debate by providing an objective, reliable, and holistic overview of which elements of good governance are implemented by these federations and which ones are not.

About the publication
Sports Governance Observer 2019. An assessment of good governance in six international sports federations. 
The Sports Governance Observer 2019 report employs the SGO 2018 benchmarking instrument to assess the governance of six international federations. The aim is to stimulate an open debate by providing an objective, reliable, and holistic overview of which elements of good governance are implemented by these federations and which ones are not. 
Publikation type:
Play the Game analyses and reports 
Publication year:
Publication month:
Play the Game
Number of pages:
978-87-93784-14-7, 978-87-93784-15-4 (pdf)
Governance, Eliteidræt
Governance, sports federations, SGO, Sports Governance Observer, transparency, democracy, accountability, societal responsibility, IIHF, IBU, FIVB, FIS, FIG, FEI 

The research in this report was based on the Sports Governance Observer methodology developed by Dr. Arnout Geeraert. See also: Geeraert, A. (2018). Sports Governance Observer 2018. An assessment of good governance in five international sports federations. Aarhus: Play the Game / Danish Institute for Sports Studies.

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