View Play the Game Magazine 2009 online

The Play the Game magazine gives you extensive journalistic coverage of the sixth world communications conference on sport and society, held in the British city of Coventry from 8 - 12 June 2009.

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Magazine contents

Governance and finance
4 Who took the money? The ISL bribery system
6 World handball: Charges of ingrained corruption
7 Pound: Corruption is part of human nature
8 Ex-mobster Franzese warns against match-fixing
9 Do we need an anti-corruption agency?
10 Play the Game Award 2009 to Declan Hill
11 Match rigging - a world wide plague
12 Sports financing balancing on the edge of the abyss
14 Europe is draining Africa for football talent
15 Peace and Reconciliation - the Coventry context
16 Athletes told to shut up or go home

17 Greg Lemond: The worst things happen in cycling
18 Doping enforcement: Has it gone too far?
20 Anti-doping a target for corrupters
21 The cocaine connection in sport

Sporting culture
22 The price of a medal is rising
23 The sports pyramid is history
24 Parkour, an escape route for the youth
26 Death and overproduction: the fate of Thoroughbreds?
27 Kosovo sport: Let us compete
28 Oscar Pistorius: Changing our perception of sport

Mega events
30 2018: England in the iron grip of Jack Warner
31 Misuse of mega events
32 No clear improvement of China’s image after 2008
33 A Coventry Declaration to protect civil rights during events

Overview and facts
34 Overview: Find papers and video on our website
35 Play the Game in facts and figures

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