Gudrun Doll-Tepper

President of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education, ICSSPE

Presentation International Year of Sport and Physical Education 2005: Crossing Hurdles from an Idea to the Finishing Line - Play the Game 2005 (PP Pdf.)

Dr. Gudrun Doll-Tepper is a professor at the Freie Universität Berlin in Germany. She received her doctorate from the University of Berlin and her habilitation from the University of Frankfurt. She has authored and co-authored over 300 publications in sport science, sport pedagogy, and adapted physical activity and sport for persons with a disability. 
 Dr. Doll-Tepper is president of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education, an organization with more more than 250 national and international members. She is also the former president of the International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity, former chairperson of the International Paralympic Sport Science Committee, invited fellow of the European College of Sport Science, and member of the National Olympic Committee for Germany.
 She has been recognized with several awards and honours for her contributions to sport and sport science. She received the William G. Anderson Commemorative Award for her contribution to the Paralympic Movement (1998) , the Alice-Profé-Award for her contribution to women in sport; the Distinguished Service Cross of the Federal Republic of Germany (1999) for her outstanding contribution to disability sport, physical education and sport science; the Distinguished International Scholar Award from the International Relations Council of American Association for Active Lifestyles and Fitness/ American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (2000); the “Gold Cross Award“ of the Fédération Internationale d’Education Physique (2001); and the Paralympic Order of the International Paralympic Cocmmittee (2002).

Play the Game

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