Hans Bonde

Dr.Phil, Professor, Sports historian, University of Copenhagen

Born 9th January 1958 1977: Accepted at The University of Copenhagen - History

(20/6) master degree in history from the University of Copenhagen

(1/9) Employed as research fellow in history at the University of Copenhagen (KU)

Publishes the book: "Judo, den milde vej"

Employed as a teacher in sports sociology and history at the Institute of Exercise and Sport Sciences, the University of Copenhagen

Employed as assistant professor at Institute of History, the University of Copenhagen, with continuously connection to teaching at the sports educations.

Connected to teaching medical students at the Panum Institute of sexology

Initiator to the first Danish university conference about research in masculinity

PhD. in history (The University of Copenhagen, June).

Publishes the book "Mandighed og sport", Odense Universitetsforlag.

(1/2) Carlsberg Foundation grants a three year scholarship for preparation of "doktor disputats" about Niels Bukh.

Research travel to Japan granted by the Carlsbergfondet.

Co-founder of Danish Network for research in masculinity.

Publishes the book: "Sport - a modern cult" (Hovedland)

Co-editor the book: "When you become a father" (Aschehoug, also in Swedish edition)

Idrættens Forskningsråd grants a 1 year post doc scholarship

1995: Appointed to chairman for the Committee for Gender Equality's first Idea group about men.

Gives the official speech in Stockholm about masculinity, men and gender equality as introduction to the Nordic Ministers of Gender Equality debate to the first conference held by the Nordic Council of Ministers about this topic

Congress - and research travel to South Africa.

(May) Associate professor at Institute of Exercise and Sport Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Odense

Appointed to chairman of a group with the purpose of establishing an new interdisciplinary study line at the faculty of medical science, University of Southern Denmark.

Publish the book "Boys in female dominated environments" for the interdepartmental Children\'s Committee of the Government.

Co-organizer of the second conference for the European College of Sports Science.

Appointed as a member of Educational Council for Health by the Minister of Education.

Research travel to Japan granted by "Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the research academy.

Associate professor at Institute of Exercise and Sport Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

Appointed to head of the Department of History and Social Science at Institute of Exercise and Sport Sciences in Copenhagen.

Dr. phil in history
******* Advisory editor, Men and Masculinities, SAGE (1998-2000) Nordic editor for the International Journal of the History of sport, (1991-95) Reviews Editor (Europe) for the International Journal of the History of Sport, Cass, London (2000 - ). Written articles about masculinity, sports and history to the National Encyclopaedia. Written articles for a Danish Dictionary about the period of occupation. Writes articles for the Danish Newspaper "POLITIKEN"

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