Gerhard Treutlein

Prof. Dr., Pädagogische Hochshule Heidelberg, Germany

Peers as role models - Play the Game 2011

Chapters from the doping history in Western Germany - Play the Game 2007

Gerhard Treutlein, Prof. Dr., is the head of the Sports Sciences and Sports Pedagogics department of the University of Education of Heidelberg, Germany. Studies: History, French Language and Physical Education from 1960 to 1967.

Doctor in history in 1970. Teacher 1970/71. Professor in Heidelberg for Physical Education and Sports Sciences since 1971.

Middle distance runner. Coach of young athletes from 1961 to 1970, coach of senior athletes (high level sport) from 1970 to 1985; responsable of the german university athletics team (15 times head of delegation in the Universiade)
since 1972.

Dr. Treutlein's major research interest concerns the teacher and coach training (interaction teacher - pupils, coach - athletes). As a former coach of high level athletes and actual responsable for athletics in the german federation of university sports (ADH - since 1972) he is also interested since more than 30 years in the developpment of doping and the struggle against doping.

Dr. Treutlein is the author and co-author of several books:

  • Sport und Gesellschaft (Schorndorf 1995 - sport and society)

  • Wie Sportlehrer wahrnehmen, denken, fhlen und handeln (Köln 1996 - how teachers perceive, think, feel and act)

  • Wie Trainer wahrnehmen, denken, fhlen und handeln (Köln 1989 - How coaches perceive, think, feel and act).

  • Körperfahrung im Sport: Wahrnehmen, lernen, Gesundheit frdern (Aachen 1992 Body experiences in sport: Perceive, learn, promote health)

  • Sport und Sportunterricht in Frankreich und Deutschland (Aachen 1994 - Sports and Physical Education in France and in Germany)

  • Sportwissenschaft in Deutschland und Frankreich (Hamburg 1997 - Sports sciences in France and in Germany)

  • Doping im Spitzensport. Sportwissenschaftliche Analysen zur nationalen und internationalen Leistungsentwicklung (Aachen 2000 - Doping in high level sports. Scientific analysis concerning the national and international development of performances)

  • Doping - von der Analyse zur Prävention (Aachen 2001 - Doping: From analysis to prevention).

  • Körper, Sport und Religion (Würzburg 2002 - body, sports and religion)

The interest of the two doping books lies at the interface between research and prevention.

Dr. Treutlein is regularly interviewed by the media in relation to doping issues and he contributed articles to several german newspapers and reviews. As he is a professor in a teacher training college some times it is not easy to convince his colleagues and the superiors that doping research is of an major interest for the formation of future teachers and coaches. 

The conscience for the problems joined to doping is not very high developed; too many people still think that doping concerns only the high level sport. But doping is a part of the general drug problem, of the health of the society and of the general problem if we are able to respect our limits and preserve the ressources of the earth and the human body.

Play the Game

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