Jørgen Delman

China expert, PhD and Director of Nordic Institute of Asian Studies in Copenhagen

Jørgen Delman, PhD, Director, NIAS Nordic Institute of Asian Studies
Joined NIAS on 1 January 2002

Nationality:    Danish (male)

Year of birth:    1950


Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Aarhus. Subject: State and farmer in China after the rural reforms of the early 1980s. Title of the dissertation: "Agricultural Extension in Renshou County, China - A Case-study of Bureaucratic Intervention for Agricultural Innovation and Change", 1991.

Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Aarhus. Subject: China's economic development and the evolution of Chinese theories on the political economy of transitional society, 1949-1976.

Course in the history of modern China, Department of History, Beijing University, China, 1977-1978.

English Language and Literature, Institute of English, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 1972.


  • Research: Socio-economic, institutional, organizational aspects of development in China; China’s political system; innovation, knowledge systems and processes in the interface between state and business sector in China; international development cooperation; terrorism and security in Asia; EU-Asia relations;
  • Management: Business, research, and cross-cultural manage¬ment at senior level; extensive Project Director and Team Leader experience in development consulting;
  • Teaching at university level, in development assistance projects, and in the corporate sector;
  • Consulting: Institutional and organisational analysis; programme and project development, in particular in relation to rural and agricultural institutions, incl. farmers’ organisations, business sector initiatives and business development services; implementation of projects in support of rural and agricultural development as well as business development services, SME, micro-enterprise development and export promotion; business consulting as well as match-making between Danish/EU and foreign enterprises; worked with all major multilateral development organisations and DANIDA.
  • Human resource development: Training needs analysis, curriculum development, organisation and implementation of training programs, and use of participatory approaches; HRM and HRD experience; intercultural communication in business and development activities; experienced negotiator in different cultural environments; participatory moderation and facilitation of learning processes, workshops and seminars;
  • Dissemination: Experienced public speaker; frequent appearances in the media; extensive experience with organization of conferences, workshops etc.; considerable list of academic and non-academic publications and working papers.

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