Adolf Ogi

Former Special adviser to the Secretary General of the United Nations on sport for development and peace

Presentation Sport: A Force for Development - Play the Game 2005 (Pdf.) CV Adolf Ogi (born 18 July 1942) is a Swiss politician from the village of Kandersteg in the Swiss Alps.

He was elected to the Swiss Federal Council on 9 December 1987, as member of the Swiss People's Party from the Canton of Berne. He handed over office on 31 December 2000.

During his time in office, he was in charge of the following departments:

  • Federal Department of Transport, Communications and Energy (1988 – 1995)
  • Federal Military Department (from 1996), later named Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports (1998 – 2000)

He was President of the Confederation twice in 1993 and 2000.

From 2001 to 2007, Ogi was a Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace to the United Nations Secretary-General.

Play the Game

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