Bjarne Ibsen

Head of Research, Research Institute for Sport, Culture and Civil Society, Denmark

1982 M.A. in political science and sport

1992 Ph.d. in political science

Jobs: 1986-2000 Danmarks Hjskole for Legemsøvelser and Institut for Idræt (Institute of Exercise and Sport Sciences), University of Copenhagen.

2001- Head of Research at the Research Institute for Sport, Culture and Civil Society


The governing idea in my research is organisational sociological problem complexes within voluntary organisations at local level, primarily in the field of sport but also in other areas of society. The particular focus of this research is voluntary work in associations, the characteristics of voluntary associations, the relations between the voluntary and the public sector and changes in the pattern of associations. Another aspect of my research, but less dominant, is analyses of the position of sport in society: the participation in sport and national policy in the field, legislation, public funding etc.This field of research is closely related to research into the organisation of sport.

Ongoing projects:

Changes in the organization of sport, which includes historical as well as quantitative and qualitative investigations of the the organization of sport - in the voluntary, public and commercial sector - at the local level 2) The development of sport between state, market and civil society, which is a part of a common research project: "Sport and welfare society" 3) Head of the evaluation of the development program of The Ministry of Cultural Affairs: "Det Idrætspolitiske Ideprogram", which includes several case analyses, questionaires to all the projects, etc. (in cooperation with The Institute of Exercise and Sport Sciences, University of Copenhagen)

National and international networks: Member of the network for researchers in the voluntary sector in the Nordic countries. Responsible for the e-mail list:

Member of the "Committee for voluntary social work" in the Ministry for Social Affairs.

Member of the board for the research programme "Sport, society and voluntary organization" in The Research Council of Norway.

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