Aidan White

General Secretary, International Federation of Journalists

Presentation Media freedom in China - how far does it reach - Play the Game 2009 (PP Pdf.) Name: Aidan White

Date of Birth: 2nd March 1951

Nationality: Irish

Present Position: General Secretary Education:
1970: awarded Diploma in Journalism, National Council for Training of Journalists,
1968-1970: Harlow College, Journalism Studies

Membership of professional bodies:
National Union of Journalists of Great Britain and Ireland
Address: International Federation of Journalists
266 Rue Royale
1210 Brussels Tel : 32 2 223 2265
Fax : 32 2 219 2976

Key qualifications:
a) Consultant to United Nations Agencies (UNICEF, UN Human Rights Commission, UNESCO, ILO), Council of Europe, European Commission on following issues:

  • governance and mass media policy

  • journalism and law

  • media and ethics

  • human rights

  • international policy related to communications and information

  • social and democratic values and changes in communication technology

  • development issues and role of media

  • journalism training

b) Presentational expertise, interpersonal skills and joumalistic experience:

  • writing, editing and presenting for publication

  • public speaking

  • teaching

c) Expertise in industrial relations in media at local regional and international level, including the following activities:

  • the reform of and creation of independent organisations of journalists

  • the establishment of social dialogue between publishers, broadcasters and journalists groups

  • the dissemination of detailed information on international standards and conventions covering social rights of journalists and media staff

Professional Experience Record:

1987-to present: International Federation of Journalists, Chief Executive. Responsible for worldwide organisation of body representing 450,000 journalists. Activities include human rights campaigning, media training and development, trade union support, representation at all levels of United Nations system. 1995 budget turnover in excess of 6,000,000 US$.

1980-1987 Journalist: The Guardian, London.

1979-1980 Freelance Journalist: The Sunday Times, Financial Times.

1974-1979 Deputy Group Editor, six weekly newspapers, London.

1972-1974 Desk Editor, Birmingham Evening MaiL England.

1968-1972 Writer, Journalist, Lincoln and Peterborough, England.
Anthology of media sexism (Naked Ape, 1986); contributor to books on racism (Black Britain, 1987); and Political Affairs (Pluto Press, 1985). Editor and author of numerous manuals, reports and studies: journalistic ethics, racism and media, freelance journalism, information society, trade union development in media, media and democracy.

Author of a number of detailed texts dealing with:

Media Ethics and Gender (1995 - Published by Council of Europe)

Media ethics and commercial sexual exploitation of children (1996 Published by UNICEF)

Access and pluralism in the Information Society (1995 - Published by IFJ)

Basic Social and Democratic Values in the Information Society (1996 - Published by European Commission)

Tolerance and Media in Eastern and Central Europe (1997 - Published by UNESCO)

Conditions of Freelance Journalism (1987 - Published by IFJ).

Play the Game

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