Andy Miah

Professor in Ethics and Emerging Technologies, University of the West of Scotland

Professor Andy Miah, BA, MPhil, PhD, FRSA, is Chair in Ethics and Emerging Technologies in the School of Media, Language and Music at the University of the West of Scotland, Fellow of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, USA and Fellow at FACT, the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology, UK.

He has a PhD in Bioethics & Cultural Studies and a Master degree in Medical Law.

In 2002, he was an International Visiting Scholar at The Hastings Center (New York) with which he continues to collaborate. He is also a member of the Scientific Board for the Lifeboat Foundation.

He is currently writing a monthly column on ethics and technology for The Guardian.

Professor Miah’s research discusses the intersections of art, ethics, technology and culture and he has published broadly in areas of emerging technologies, particularly related to human enhancement.

He is author of ‘Genetically Modified Athletes’ (2004 Routledge) and co-author with Dr Emma Rich of ‘The Medicalization of Cyberspace’ (2008, Routledge) and Editor of ‘Human Futures: Art in and Age of Uncertainty’ (2008, Liverpool University Press and FACT).

Andy has published over 90 academic articles in refereed journals, books, magazines, and national media press on the subjects of cyberculture, medicine, technology, and sport.

He has also given over 100 major conference presentations and he is often invited to speak about philosophical and ethical issues concerning technology in society. Dr Miah regularly interviews for a range of major media companies, which have included BBC’s Newsnight and Start the Week with Andrew Marr, ABC’s’ The 7:30 Review and CBC’s The Hour.

His publications have been translated into French, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Japanese. He is currently under contract to write a monthly column on Bioethics for The Guardian science section. Memberships
Professor Miah is a member of various academic associations and working groups, including the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Yale University Bioethics working group, the Society of Applied Philosophy, and the Media, Communications and Cultural Studies Association.

He is Associate Editor for the refereed journal Studies in Ethics, Law & Technology and Editorial Board member for two other international, refereed journals related to science and technology, ‘Genomics, Society and Policy’ and ‘Health Care Analysis’ and a Scientific Board member for ‘The Lifeboat Foundation’.

In 2006, he advised the UK Government Select Committee for Science and Technology on a public inquiry into Human Enhancement Technologies in Sport.

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T: +44 (0) 7962 716 616
F: +44 (0) 1292 886 371

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