Dirk Lund Christensen

Exercise Physiologist, MA in African Studies

Born 1963 in Copenhagen

Education: B.Sc.(Physical Education): Odense University, Denmark and Auburn University, USA, 1990
M.Sc. (Exercise Physiology): University of Copenhagen, 1993
MA (African Studies): University of Copenhagen, 2001

Work Experience:

1992-2002: Three periods of field work among Tarahumara indians, Mexico

1993-99: Several periods of field work and university research (including lab work) in Kenya among Kalenjin runners

1994-97: Teacher at Oure Idrætshøjskole (sports college), Denmark

1995: Project consultant for Danish ethnic minority organization INDsam regarding sports injuries and the Danish health system

1994-: Assistant researcher at CMRC, University Hospital, Copenhagen

Several publications including popular scientific as well as scientific articles, book chapters and recently the book "Washindi - løberne fra Kenya" ("Washindi - the runners from Kenya"). Currently working on a documentary film and a book on the Mexican Tarahumara indians.

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