Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen

Danish Minister of Culture 1998-2001

Born on 5 January 1960.  Academic record: 1980 Upper secondary school final examination, A-levels equivalent (Studentereksamen), Frederikshavn 1980-86 Odense University, Graduate with MA degree in Social Science (Cand.rer.soc.)
Employment record: 1982-86 Student assistant at Odense University 1986-88 Teaching assistant at Odense University 1986-88 Project leader at the cultural centre, Bolbro Brugerhus 1988-89 Head of Section, the Social and Health Department, Storstrøms County Council 1989-92 Consultant attached to the Danish Research and Development Centre for Adult Education (Udviklingscentret for Folkeoplysning og Voksenundervisning) 1992 Researcher at the Danish Research and Development Centre for Adult Education, where she headed an evaluation of The Cultural Fund (Kulturfonden).
Political activity: 1989-92 Chairperson of the Danish Brundtland Campaign 1991-94 Member of The Danish Board of Technology 1992-94 Board member of The Cultural Fund (Kulturfonden) 1993- Regional Executive Committee member of The Social Liberal Party, Sydfalster Region 1993- National Executive Committee member of The Social Liberal Party 1994- Member of Parliament for The Social Liberal Party, Kolding constituency 1994-97 Chairperson of the Ministry of Environment and Energys Green Fund 1997- Chairperson of the Committee to Preserve Traditional Crafts
Party political spokesperson on: 1994-96 Culture, the media, education, research, environment and energy 1997- The media, education, research, environment and energy
Works* Fremtidens AOF, 1991 (AOF of the Future*), Folk and Museer, 1992 (People and Museums*), and På tværs af de kulturfondsstttede initiativer, 1993 (Cutting Across the Initiatives Supported by the Cultural Fund*). Co-author of Bæredygtigt landbrug, 1991 (Sustainable Agriculture*), Landdistriktet leve?, 1991 (Rural Districts, Long Live?*) and Miljø og Udvikling i BRUD, 1994 (The Environment and Development in a Process of Change*). *(Unofficial English titles, Ed.)
Prizes and distinctions*
Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen shared joint first prize in the Danish Cooperative Societys feature article competition 1986: Andelssamfundet - vejen frem (The Cooperative Society the Way Forward*), with her submission Fra hver-for-sig-fundet til andels-sam-fundet (From the Exclusive to a Cooperative Society*). In 1988 she won the Danish Medical Associations (Den Danske Lægeforenings) prize dissertation for Visioner om børn og unges sundhed år 2000 (Visions of Childrens and Young Peoples Health in 2000*). In 1989 Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen was among the winners of DAFOLOs prize essay competition Kommunalpolitikeren i centrum (The Councillor in Focus*), with her submission: Fremtidens folkestyre lokalsamfundet, demokratiet og den folkevalgte (Democracy of the Future the Local Community, Democracy and Elected Representatives*). *(Unofficial English titles, Ed.) In 1995 Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen was awarded The Green Pin by the Federation of Danish Architects (Danske Arkitekters Landsforbund) for outstanding work in the field of ecology.

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