Robert Davies

Chief Executive, The Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum, UK

Robert Davies is the founder Chief Executive of The Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum, and has lead its activities since 1990 with global corporations promoting responsible business practices and partnerships for development in over 40 countries. As an entrepreneur in the not-for-profit sector he was previously the deputy chief executive of Business in the Community in the UK and his career has encompassed urban and economic development, health, energy and social policy, the arts, TV production, journalism and communications. In 1981 he created a non-profit organisation with a colleague, NEA (National Energy Action), which to this day has retrofitted energy conservation measures in four million homes (16% of the UK housing stock) and created job and training opportunities for over 400,000 people. In 1983 he founded 'Rainbow Educational TV Productions' which produced an eight part TV series and linked educational programmes for the new Channel 4 Television. In 1992 he founded the Urban Villages Forum (now part of The Prince's Foundation) which has been instrumental in defining mixed use development as a means to promote sustainable urban regeneration. He is founder director of the Digital Partnership. He has extensive experience in working with inter-governmental organisations including the World Bank, OECD, European Union, World Health Organisation and other UN organisations. Member of various public and private advisory boards and arts organisations including the UK Department for International Development Spending Review (1998), New Academy of Business, The Crown Agents Foundation, The Pushkin Cultural Trust, the UK Know How Fund for Central & Eastern Europe and the FSU, UK Cabinet Office Performance and Innovation Unit Trade Advisory Group, Center for International Strategic Studies St Petersburg Commission, Abu Dhabi Higher Colleges of Technology. He has a particular interest in social enterprise, health, the application of ICT (information and communications technologies) to development and public/private partnership. A British citizen, he is a social sciences graduate having studied at Universities of Durham and post-graduate at the London School of Economics. He was awarded a 'CMG' (Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael & St George) for services to foreign affairs and the IBLF in the UK Millennium Honours list.

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