Prisca Bruno Massao

Student, NSSPE, Tanzania

B. 1970
Academic Background:

MA in Sport Sociology, Major studies in Sociological Theories, Gender and Sport. From Norwegian University of Sport, Autumn 2001, 1998-2001 candidacy. Bachelor of Education , Major Studies in Education, Physical Education and Sport. From University of Dar Es Salaam, June 1997, 1993-1997 candidacy. Norsk kurs Trinn 1-3, Norwegian Language Qualifications for Foreigners, University of Oslo, Norway; Autumn 1997-Summer 1998 Advanced Level Certificate for Secondary School, From Zanaki Secondary School, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania 1989 -1991
Professional Related Working Praxis:
Research Assistant at Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education from, Feb. 2002- Swimming Instructor, Age 8-11 School pupils at the Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education (NUSPE), Oslo Norway, Spring 2001. Swimming Instructor, Instructing Adults Beginners and Intermediate Level at Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education (NUSPE), Oslo Norway, Spring - Autumn 2000. Swimming Instructor, For Adult Beginners; (Muslim Women in Norway) at Romss Social Centre, Oslo Norway, Autumn 1998 - Spring 1999. Primary School PE Teacher, at Mlimani Primary school, Dar Es Salaam - Tanzania, Feb -May 1996 (Teaching Practice Subject for B.ed. Fulfilment) Tutor at Morogoro Teacher Training College, Morogoro - Tanzania July -Sept 1994 and July -Sept 1995 ( Teaching Practice Subject for B.ed. Fulfilment). Volunteer Universitys Peer Counsellor for Family Planning Education;
From Dec 1995-June 1997 University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Other Valuable Professional Activities:

Invitations and Professional Visits/Attends

Autumn 1995 Participation the International University Games at Fukuoka, Japan as a sprinter in 400m. Dec 1995 Peer Counselling Course for Family Planning Education. June 1999 Participarted in -Norwegian Council of Universities (NUFU) Gender Seminar at the University of Troms, Norway.

Bruno, Prisca (1997) Participation of Girls in Sport and Physical activities in Co-education Secondary school in Tanzania; A case study of the Makongo Secondary School-Dar Es Salaam . Independent Study ; Faculty of Education University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Massao, P. B (2001) Women in Sport; An Analysis of the Sport Development Policy of Tanzania,; Master Thesis, Norwegian University of Physical Education and Sport; Oslo Norway. Massao, P & Fasting K. (In Press) Women and Sport in Tanzania: In Hartmann, I. & Pfister, G. Sport and Women: Social Issues in International Perspective. Routledge.

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