Pascal Boniface

Foundator and Director of IRIS (Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques)

Field of expertise: A) Strategic issues, nuclear issues B) Balance of power C) European security D) French foreign policies Dr. Pascal BONIFACE is the foundator and the Director of IRIS ("Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques" - Institute for International and Strategic Relations). He is also a consultant on strategic issues for the French department of defence and French state department. He is professor of international relations in the "Institut d'Etudes européennes" (Institute for European Studies) in the University of Paris-8 and he is the Director of the cycles of studies of the international questions in the IRIS/IPRIS. He is also the Director of the quarterly journal "La revue internationale et stratégique" (International and strategic review) since 1991, and the Editor of the yearbook "L'Année stratégique" (Strategic Yearbook) since 1985. Dr. Pascal BONIFACE has published or edited more than forty books dealing with International Relations, Nuclear Detterence and Disarmament, European Security, French International Policy and Sport in the International Relations. He makes frequent contributions on International Policy for reviews on geopolitics and for national and international media. Pascal BONIFACE is a member of the " UN Advisory Board on Disarmament matters" since 2001. He belongs to the Committee of support and reflexion of the African diplomatic Academy (since 2004). He was also member of the "Haut Conseil pour la Coopération Internationale" (French High Council for International cooperation) from 1999 until 2003. He has been made a Chevalier of the French award for distinguished services in public and private capacity. Pascal Boniface is also Chevalier of the Legion of honour Recent publications FOOTBALL ET MONDIALISATION
DALLOZ, 2005
ARMAND COLIN, 2005, 172p.
DALLOZ, 2005, 201p.

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