Pete Clifton

Head of BBC Sport Online


News reporter, then cricket correspondent - Northampton Chronicle and Echo evening newspaper - 1981-87

Sub-editor, BBC Ceefax 1987-88

Sports reporter, Exchange Telegraph agency, 1988-1990

Chief sub-editor, sport, Press Association, 1990-1993

Editor of Teletext Services, Press Association, 1993-1996

Editor of BBC Ceefax, 1996-99

UK Editor, BBC News Online 1999-2000

Project Leader, BBC Sport Online 2000 -


Cricket and golf to a depressingly low standard, playing the piano, spending time with an ever-increasing number of children, eating out, exchanging dubious stories with anyone available in pubs with decent beer.

About the site

BBC Sport Online - - launched on July 6, 2000. Its mission is to be the definitive general sports site, and in the first three months its peak traffic was 4.5m page impressions in a day.

The site aims to be the place for fast-updating, accurate, unbiased reporting. It also pulls together the best audio and video being produced by BBC Sport in London, across the UK and the world. This draws on material from national and regional TV and radio, plus the World Service.

Sport Online also boasts a wide range of live statistics, email forums for users and regular columns from the BBC's "star names" like Gary Lineker, Steve Cram and Donna Symmonds, and a variety of back-up information on BBC TV and radio programmes.

The site was given the go-ahead in March, 2000 and was launched on time after an early summer of frantic activity. Sport Online has some 70 staff in London, made up of journalists, journalist assistants, developers and designers. There are also staff in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, backed up by BBC Sport's several hundred journalists across the globe.

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