Peter Johnson

Dean of journalism programme SVF

Field of expertise: a) professional student training in journalistic radio and newspaper production b) press-ethics c) sports journalism Journalistic employments: Småland Folkbald, Jörnköping, sports reporter 1978-84 Jörnköping Post, night editor in chief 84-86 Swedish Radio Company (SR), sports editor 86-2001 Educational jobs: Södra Vätterbygdens Folkhögskola SVF, teacher in journalism (part time since 1982) - since 2001 Dean og the journalist program. Sida/Fojo as a courseleader since early 90's working for Press Institute, Stockholm, since 1992 Union of Jounalists (SJF): Chairman og local union in the country 1998-2002 Chairman of congres (SJF) 1998 Member of The board of Press Ethics 1995-2005 International merits: 1999 Political reporting/press ethics 1995-2005 2000 Political reporting/press ethics, Ukraine 2000 Investigating loval radio development, pilot project, PDR Lao, Vientiane 2001 Sports broadcasting, winhoek 2002 Sports reporting, Gaborone 2003 Sports reporting, Johannesburg 2004 Sports reporting, Johannesburg 2005 Sports reporting, Johannesburg  2005 Fojo, Kalmar Univerity: How to increase interviewing in sportradio - five days course                                      

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