Kari Fasting

Professor, Norwegian School of Sport and Physical Education

Born: 11/3-1943 Education:
'Magistergrad' (Ph.D.) in pedagogy, (educational science),
University of Oslo (UiO) 1972
Psychology Grunnfag UiO 1968
Pedagogy Mellomfag UiO 1967
German Mellomfag UiO 1965
Norwegian College of Physical Education 1963-1964 Professional experience:
1987 -: Professor in sport science (sport sociology and education), NIH
1977: Associated professor in sport pedagogy, NIH
1973: Assistent professor in sport pedagogy, NIH Invited visiting professor:
1981-1982: Department of Sport Science, Odense University, Denmark Visiting scholar:
1999: Department of Exercise and Sport Studies, Smith College, Mass. USA
1998: School of Physical Education, University of Otago og Department of Exercise Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand
1993-1994: Department of Psychology, and the Center for the Study of Womens Research, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Major administrative experience at NIH:
2002 - : Head of the committee for the PhD education, Department of Social Science 1995 1997: Head of graduate students, Department of Social Science1989 1992: Rector
1984 1989: Chair of the Board, The Norwegian College of Physical Education and Sport (Leder av Hgskolerdet) Professional Duties:
1997-: Vice-President, WomenSport International (WSI)
1992 1995: President, International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA)
1989 1992: Member of the Executive Board, The Council of the Norwegian Universities
1987- 1997: Member of Program Committee for Sport Research, The Norwegian Research Council
1983 1987: (First) President of the Norwegian Society for Research in Sport Editorial Responsibilities:
1999 - The International Journal of Olympic Studies Member Editorial Board
1996 - International Review for the Sociology of Sport. Member Editorial Board
1995 - Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal Reviewer.1993 - Sociological Sport Journal Reviewer
1992 -1996: Nordic Journal of Women\'s Studies (NORA) Member of Advisory Board
1989 - 1995: International Review for the Sociology of Sport. Reviewer.
1991 - 1998: International Journal of Sport Psychology Member Editorial Board
1990 - 1993: Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sport Section Editor: Social Behavioral Aspects of Sports

Aeras of Research:
Physical activity and sport in the Norwegian population, sport and media, sport, unemployment and health/quality of life, women and sport, gender and sport. The focus of research during the last 4 years has been Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Sport. On this theme I am cooperating with Prof. Dr. Celia Brackenridge from UK.

In addition to projects on sexual harassment and sport I am currently working with Dr. Nada Vaslakova on a project named " Gender Relations in Sports the experiences of Czech female athletes". A contract between Czech Olympic Committee and NIH has been signed for this project. Experiences from chairing larger research projects such as for example "The experience and meaning of sport in the lives of women in some European countries (England, Germany, Norway and Spain) 1992-1998 (financed among others by the Norwegian Research Council). Teaching experience during the last 8 years:
Undergraduate: sociology of sport and sociology of health and physical activity
Postgraduate: Feminist theory of science, quantitative and qualitative research methods, sociology of sport.

Members of evaluation committees for professorships in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Hongkong, USA, England and Canada. Doctoral level external examiner at University of Bergen, University of Ume,Stockholm University and Copenhagen University. Elected international fellow to the American Academy for Kinesiology and Physical Education in 1992

Awarded the price for the best oral presentation (psycho-social sciences) at the pre-olympic congress in Brisbane, Australia 7-13 sept. 2000 Often invited key-note speaker at international conferences, for example:
ICHPER.SD. The 40th anniversary ICHPER.SD World Congress. Kyung Hee University, Korea, July 4-7, 1997. Keynote speaker: "Equality of Opportunity - the Evolution of Democracy in Sport".

The 2nd Conference on Women and Sport. Safari Hotel, Windhoek, Namibia May 19.22, 1998. Invited introductory remarks to the discussion group on: "Womens Participation in Sport".

American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD). National Convention: Take the Challenge. Go the Distance.
Boston, April 20-24 1999. Invited panel presentation: The challenges of doing cross-national research: The experience and meaning of exercise and sport in the lives of women in some European countries

IAPESGW 50th Anniversary Conference, July 7-10,1999 Honoring the Legacy. Charting the Future. Physical Education & Sport in a Global Context, Northampton, Massachusetts. USA: Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Sport

Japanese Association for Women in Sport conference: Women and Sport In 21th century, October 6 1999, Tokyo Japan. The Global Advocacy and Support for Women in Sport

IOC second international conference on women and Sport, March 6-8, Paris France. Invited speaker: Violence and Harassement in Sport

1st World Congress in Sociology of Sport, Seoul, Korea, July 20-24, 2001: Crossing Boundaries, Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Sport Selected Publications: (The total publication list contains around 300 publications)

Fasting, K.(1982). A Prediction Model for Participating in Sport. Int. Review of Sport Sociology, 3(17), 29-39.

Fasting, K.(1982). Leisure Time, Physical Activity and Some Indices of Mental Health. Scand. J. Soc. Med., suppl: 29, 113-119.

Fasting, K. & Tangen, J. O. (1983). Gender and Sport in Norwegian Mass Media. Int. Review of Sport Sociology, 1(18), 61-67.

Fasting K. (1983). Idrettspassive i den norske befolkning. Tidskrift for den Den norske Lgeforening, 4B (193), 413-419.

Fasting, K., (1984). Arbeidslshet, idrett og livskvalitet. Sosiologi i Dag, 14(3), 67-73.

Fasting, K., & Sisjord, M. K. (1985). Gender Roles and Sport in the Norwegian Mass Media. Sociology of Sport Journal, vol 2(1), 345-351.

Fasting, K., & Sisjord, M. K. (1986). Gender, verbal Behaviour and Power in Sport Organisations. Scandinavian Journal of Sport Sciences, 2(8), 81-85.

Fasting, K., & Grnningster, H. (1987). Unemployment, Trait-Anxiety and Physical Exercises. Scandinavian Journal of Sport Sciences, 3(8), 99-103.

Fasting, K., (1987). Sport and Womens Culture. Women Studies International Forum, 4(10), 361-368.

Fasting, K., (1989). Womens Lives- Consequences for Leisure and Sport? Nytt om Kvinneforskning, 13(4), 18-26.

Fasting,K.(1991) "El deporte y la cultura femenina. In: Mujer Y Deporte, Jornadas sobre Mujer y Deporte, noviembre-diciembre, 1989, Ajuntament de Barcelona, 39-50.

Fasting, K., (1991) Forskerutdanningen i Norge. I rapport fra Det Nordiske Universitetsrektormde, 6-8 maj 1991, Rektorkollegiet Kbenhavns Universitet, 67-74.

Fasting, K., (1992). Frauenforschung-metoden und theoretische Ansatze. In. S. Kroner & G. Pfister (Eds.), Frauen-Raume, Korper and Identitt i Sport. (pp 9-17). Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft.

Fasting, K. Female leaders in the Norwegian confederation of Sports (1993). I Giess- Stber & Hartmann-Tews(eds). Frauen und Sport in Europa. Sankt Augustin, Academia-Verlag, Germany, 48-57

Fasting, K.(1994) "Die Entwicklung einer frauenfreundlicher Sportkultur. Erfahrungen aus Norwegen".In: GFS -schriften, nr11, Zrich, 13-29

Fasting, K. (1994) "The development of gender as a sociocultural perspective: Implications for Sport Psychology". In Sepa, Alves & Pataco (eds).
International Perspectives on Sport and Exercise Psychology. Fitness Information Technology, Inc. Morgantown, USA, Chapter 9,149-165

Fasting, K. The Grete Waitz Run - a female sport culture? (1994)In Haneborg, E. (ed). Kvinner - En utfordring for idretten. Norges Forskningsrd, Oslo,107-115

Fasting, K., Pfister, G., Scraton, S., Bunuel, A.,(1997). Cross national Research on Women and Sport: Some theoretical, methodological and practical challenges. WSPAJ, 6(1), 85-107.

Fasting, K. (1999) Meaning of Recreational Sport in the Lives of Norwegian Women. In Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal. Vol 7, No1, Spring 1, p141-151

Fasting, K, Pfister, G., Scraton, S., & Bunuel, A. (1999). It is Still a Mans Game? The Experiences of Top-level Women Footballers in England, Germany, Norway and Spain. International Review for Sociology of Sport. 34 (2),99-113

Brackenridge, C. & Fasting, K. (1999) An Analysis of Codes of Practice for Preventing Sexual Harassment and Abuse to Women and Children in Sport. Paper presented for the Council of Europe Sports Division 1999, 1 - 23 Norwegian University of Sport, Oslo

Fasting, K., (1999) Homofobi, Kvinnor och Elitidrott. Svensk Idrottsforskning, 8 (4), 40-49

Fasting,K., Brackenridge,C., Sundgot-Borgen,J. (2000) Female Elite Sports and Sexual Harassment. Norwegian Olympic Committee, Oslo

Fasting, K., & Pfister, G. (2000). Female and Male Coaches in the Eyes of Female Elite Soccer Players. European Physical Education Review, 6(1), 91-110.

Fasting, K., (2000) Womens Role in National and International Sports Governing Bodies. In Drinkwater, B. L. Women in Sport. The Encyclopedia of Sport Medicine. An IOC medicine Commission Publication in Collaboration with the International Federation of Sport Medicine, vol VIII, Blackwell Publ. London, 441-453.
Fasting, K., & Sisjord, M. K. (2000) Sport and Society Around the Globe: Nordic Countries. In Coakley, J., & Dunning, E., Handbook of Sport Studies, 551-553. Sage Publications, London.

Fasting, K., Brackenridge, C. & Sundgot-Borgen, J., (2002) Experiences of sexual harassment and abuse amongst Norwegian elite female athletes and non-athletes. Accepted for publication in Research Quaterly for Exercise and Sport (Spring 2003).

Fasting, K., Brackenridge, C. & Walseth, K., (2002) Coping with sexual harassment in sport experiences of elite female athletes. Accepted for publication in Journal of Sexual Aggression, May 2002.

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