Michael Friedberg

Senior consultant, section of nephrology, Holbæk central hospital

Date of birth:
April 25. 1939 Education: MD from univ. of Copenhagen 1966 Employment history: 66-72 internal med. and surgery72-74 nephrology74-75 paediatry and neurology75-79 nephrology79-80 internal med.80-90 nephrology90-91 internal med.91- nephrology. Present position:

Senior consultant, section of nephrology, dept. of med. Holbk central hospital Scientific publications:

About 35 papers, mainly of nephrological topics.
Experienced in handling several protocols concerning clinical Investigations. Memberships:

Danish soc. of nephrology
Danish soc. Internal med.
European renal association
Danish soc. of transplantation Conferences:

Numerous international and national conferences as a speaker and with poster-presentations.

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