Christophe Brissonneau

Sociologist, National Center of Scientific Research – University Paris Descartes

Presentation Doping patterns in wrestling, weighlifting and cycling - Play the Game 2009 (PP Pdf.)
Former high-level sportsman in athletics, sociologist in CERSES CNRS-University Paris Descartes. I supported a thesis " Entrepreneurs of morality and deviants' careers in sports doping ( 1960-2003 ). I approach at first the ambivalence of the sport medicine which, by fighting against the doping from 1960s, develop the conditions for the development of a scientific doping. We see that several fractions within this medicine is favorable to doping. Secondly, we question cyclists and doped athletes (between 60s and 2003) who explain us in what they make is not doping but a separate sports technique which respects the health and the ethics. This work was completed by a study with former doped wrestlers, weight lifters and body-builder where we observe different forms of doping. In 2008, with research teams of Rennes 1 and 2, we presented a report to the European Parliament where we show the differences of penalties between sports and countries and propose three different scenarios to fight against the doping. With the Universities of Lausanne and Liège, we analyze for the WADA the level of doping by the new professional cyclists in 2009.


Brissonneau, Christophe

47 years, sociologist

Research Center Sense Ethics Society (National Center of Scientific Research – University Paris Descartes)

*Research contracts*

2006-2009 World Antidoping Agency : « /Secondary socialization and interiorization of the standards of doping in cycling on road : the case of Belgium, France and Switzerland. »/ Universities Paris Descartes et Paris X, Lausanne et Liège.

2003-2006 *National Institute for health and medical research* « Doping and temporalities » and « Devices of anti-doping fight »,

*Contracts of expertise*

2008 European Parliament*. *Responsible for expertise " current and future Challenges to fight the doping " Universities of Paris Descartes, Rennes 1 and 2.


2009 Member of the interministerial Steering committee " Reflection on the appropriate usage of the food complements at the sportsmen "


1. Brissonneau, C., Aubel, O., Ohl F., /L’épreuve du dopage. Sociologie du cyclisme professionnel/ (coll. Le lien social, dir. Serge Paugam), Paris, PUF, 2008.

*Indexed review (Institute for Scientific Information) :*

1. Brissonneau, C., Le Noe, O., Construction d’un problème public autour du dopage et reconnaissance d’une spécialité médicale (1950-2003), /Sociologie du travail/, 2006.__

*Scientific journal with selection panel*

1. Brissonneau C., Ohl F., Doping policies and changes in cyclist behaviors and network, /International Journal of Sport Policies/ (en

2. Brissonneau, C., Le dopage dans le cyclisme professionnel au milieu des années 1990. Une reconstruction des valeurs sportives, /Déviance et société/, 2007

3. Brissonneau, C., Bui-Xuan-Picchedda, K., Dopage et rationalisme. La complémentarité d’un regard psychologique et d’un regard sociologique, /STAPS/, 2005.

4. Brissonneau, C, Hippocrate ou Coubertin : le dilemme de la médecine du sport, /Ethique publique/, 2005.

5. Brissonneau, C., Savent ils qu’ils se dopent ?, /Questions de communication/. Numéro Hors série n°1 : « /Dire le dopage. Les enjeux sociologiques et médiatiques/ (Dir. Jean-François Diana et Vincent Meyer), 2004.

*Books chapter*

1. Brissonneau, C., Depiesse, F., Doping in french Sport, in : /Doping and doping control in Europe. // sous la direction du Pr. Giselher Spitzer, Oxford, Meyer and Meyer, 2006.

2. Brissonneau, C., La tentation du dopage, in : /Le sport en question.
Approche critique du sport // sous la direction de Dominique Bodin et Pascal Duret, Paris, Chiron, 2003.

3. Brissonneau, C., A chaque sport, sa formule magique, pp 109-119 in :
/La fièvre du dopage/ / sous la direction de Françoise Siri, Paris, Autrement, 2000.

*Articles of dictionnary*

« Blessure » in : /Dictionnaire culturel du sport/, dir. par Attali M., Saint Martin J., Paris : Armand Colin, 2009.

« Dopage » in : /Dictionnaire culturel du sport/, dir. par Attali M., Saint Martin J., Paris : Armand Colin, 2009.

*Books chapter (Actes of colloquium, selection panel) :*

1. Brissonneau, C., Integration von West und Ost : Der Radsport des ausgehenden 20. Jahrhunderts auf dem Weg zur Vollprofesionalisierung, in
: /Doping im Radsport/. / sous la direction de Ralf Meutgens. Delius Klasing, 2007

2. Brissonneau, C., Die « preparation biologique » in Frankreich :
subjektive Definitionen des Sportmedizin als Türöffner für neue Formen des Dopings. /Doping Prävention in Europa. Erstes internationales Expertengespräch 2005 in Heidelberg./ Aachen : Meyer and Meyer, 2006.

3. Brissonneau, C., Sport, nature et dopage en France (1950-2002).
/Sport et Nature dans l’Histoire/./ Actes du 7^ème Congrès de la Société Internationale d’Histoire du Sport et de l’Education Physique/, Berlin, Academia Verlag, 2004._ _

Play the Game

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