Russell Holden

Director, In the Zone, Sport and Politics Consultancy

As sport plays an ever increasing part in contemporary global society, “In the Zone” has been created by Dr.Russell Holden to offer an incomparable insight into the realities and complexities of sport, wholeheartedly embracing the connection between Sport and Politics.

Combining his academic expertise with international work experience as an educator, researcher and communicator coupled with a global perspective on sport, In the Zone offers a unique range of services to organizations in the public, private and voluntary sectors in the United Kingdom and overseas.

The services available include education provision for secondary, university and lifelong learning, specialist research, broadcasting, consultancy, public and motivational speaking, editing. Education:

University of Wales Institute of Science & Technology
BSc.(Hons) Econ Special Subject, Politics

University of Sussex - MA International Relations

University of Wales College Cardiff - PGCE Further Education

PhD School of European Studies, University of Wales College CardifF
Research Topic - The Labour Party and European Policy 1983-1999 :An  Anatomy of a Policy Reversal.


2008 -   
Director of In the Zone an Education and Consultancy service specializing in Sport and Politics. For more detail contact
1990 - 2008                 
Senior Lecturer in British Government, Modern History and the Politics of Sport
University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

Co-Founder, Centre for Humanities in UWIC School of Education   

2001 -2005            
Course  Director:
        BA (Hons) Politics
        BA (Hons) Modern History and Politics
        Joint Course Director BA (Hons) Broadcast Media and Popular Culture

Course Director
BA (Hons) Modern History and Popular Culture

Previous Employment:

Executive Officer Welsh Centre for International Affairs- 
Responsibilities included:
Assistant Secretary Welsh National Council, United Nations Association.
UNICEF Regional Officer Wales - Co-ordinator for Sport Aid (1986) fundraising throughout Wales.
Member of UNA International Youth Service Executive Committee – organizing and promoting voluntary service throughout the Principality and overseas.


External Reader for revalidation of Sports Studies Programme, 
Edge Hill University

Co-Convenor Political Studies Association specialist research on Sport and Politics

Since its creation the group has run three national conferences (2007-University of Wales, 2008 Liverpool Hope University, 2009, Birbeck College, University of London) and runs panels at the PSA Annual Conference
For further information see

Visiting Lecturer (Erasmus sponsored) Technical University, Braunschweig, Germany                             

ESRC- Research Seminar Network  - Opposing Europe, University of Warwick
Visiting Lecturer Department of Economics, Northwestern, University, Illinois, USA                       

Visiting Lecturer (Erasmus sponsored), Harz Techniche Hochschule Wenigerode, Germany
External Adviser on BA Humanities/European Studies, Subject  Review Panel, University of Wales College, Newport                

Moderator for UWIC Franchise of BA European Business Administration, San Valero Institute, Zaragoza, Spain.                      

Visiting Lecturer University Jagellonski, Krakow, Poland, (British Council Sponsored)
Visiting Lecturer University of Glamorgan Business School

Researcher, BBC Wales Radio

Contributing Editor to Academic File an International News, Features and Digest Service
Course Tutor, Workers Education Association, Mid Glamorgan Education Authority - Politics of Development Aid  
Course Tutor, Department of Extra Mural Studies, University College Cardiff. - Nuclear Politics

1984-89         **
Broadcast regularly on a range of humanitarian and development issues in the Welsh and National Media.


Forthcoming: Joint Editor (with Paul Gilchrist, University of Brighton) of special edition of Sport and Society - Sport, Community and Citizenship
Contributing Chapter to Cricket Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives text edited by D.Malcolm, J.Gemmell & A.Mehta -Taylor & Francis                                                                     
Contributing Chapter to Special Edition of Sport and Society
Sporting Boycotts in Southern Africa (ed B.Majmudar & C.Little)

Contributor to Cardiff Sporting Heroes A.Hignell & G.Prescott-Tempus Publications

Parliamentary Affairs Vol 60 No 3 (Review)  Politics and Powerin the United Kingdom: R.Heffernan & G.Thompson-Open University

Rapporteur for ESRC Project on Discourses of Globalisation and European Integration in the UK and Ireland

Politics Quarterly Vol 76 No 3  (Review) Relocating England- Englishness in the New Europe: P.Preston Manchester University Press

Journal of Common Market Studies Vol 42 No1 (Review) Harold Wilson and European Integration. Britain’s Second Application to Join the EEC: O.Daddow F.Cass

The Making of New Labour's European Policy- Macmillan

Chapter in Politics at the Edge, Ed C.Pierson & S.Tormey- Macmillan  

Labour’s Transformation: Searching for the Point of Origin- The European Dynamic Politics Vol 19 No 2

Chapter in The Impact of New Labour, Ed G.Taylor Macmillan

New Labour’s European Challenge, Reconciling Rhetoric with Reality: Moving from Triumphant Isolationism. Contemporary Political Studies Volume 2- Ed A.Dobson & J.Stanyer

Political Role Reversal-How the Labour Party Became Truly European. Talking Politics, Vol 9, No3

Conference Presentations:

Play the Game, Conference for Academics, Sports Journalists and Sport Administrators, University of Coventry
- The Role of Sport as a Political Device in Post Devolution Wales –Gains since 1999

PSA Annual Conference, University of Manchester 
- New Labour-the Celebration of Sporting Achievement and the Desire to “Medal”
PSA 3rd Annual Sport and Politics Conference, Birkbeck College University of  London
- The Role of Sport as a Political Device in Post Devolution Wales

To Remember is to Resist-40 Years of Sport and Social Change-University of Toronto
- The England Zimbabwe Cricketing Conflict- Reconciling Commercialism and Morality
Co-Convenor of the first national Sport and Politics Conference organised by the PSA Sport and Politics Group
- Never Forget the Welsh- Exploring the Myths and Realities of the Welsh Contribution to the Ashes Victory, University of Wales, Gregynog Conference Centre

Political Studies Association, Annual Conference, University of Bath
- Never Forget the Welsh - Exploring the Myths and Realities of the role of Welsh in the Ashes Victory.

European Consortium for Political Research, Joint Workshop Sport and Public Policy. Inter College Nicosia
- International Cricket, The Hegemony of Commerce, the Decline of Government Interest and the End of Morality

Political Studies Association, Annual Conference, University of Reading
- Sporting Nationalism and its Anti-Imperialist Origins - The England Zimbabwe Cricket Crisis 2001-2005

Association of British Sports Historians Annual Conference, University of Glamorgan
- Sporting Nationalism and its Anti-Imperialist Origins- The England Zimbabwe Cricket Crisis 2001-2005

Political Studies Association Annual Conference (PSA), University of Aberdeen
- Assessing Blair’s Euro Credentials-The Gap between Rhetoric and  Reality

Panel Chair- Political Studies Association, University of London
- Special Group on British Labour Movements

Political Studies Association Annual Conference (PSA), University of Nottingham.
- The Marginalisation of Europe: Testing New Labour’s European Credentials

Third Pan- European International Relations Conference & Joint Meeting of International Studies Association, University of Vienna.
- Europe, the Missing Piece in the New Labour Jigsaw: Explaining the Realities of Continuing Euro Anxiety

 Second Research Conference University Association of Contemporary European Studies (UACES), University of Lincoln, Humberside.
- Confronting the Challenge -New Labour and the Development of a Clear Strategy for Integration.

PSA Annual Conference, University of Keele
- New Labour’s European Challenge: Reconciling Rhetoric with Reality, Moving from Triumphant Isolationism.(Published)

PSA Specialist Group on Elections, Polls and Public Opinion University of Sheffield
- The Policy Review Process and the Forcing of Policy Change

UACES Research Conference, University of Birmingham
- The British Labour Movement & Europe 1983-89 - From European Enemy to European Enthusiast.

Play the Game

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