Søren Bang


Søren Bang is a journalist and graduated from the Danish School of Journalism in 1992

He started his job as a journalist at IDAN (Danish Institute for Sports Studies) in June 2005, where his primary responsibility is the development and editing of the website idan.dk, the knowledge bank and newsletter. He furthermore contributes with his own articles, analysis and research.

As a writer, he has contributed to several publications. Among these are:

  • Co-author of the book 'Idrættens største arenaer - fra OL til hverdag', Lokale- og Anlægsfondens skriftrække 2007.
  • Co-author of the book 'Idræt og sport i den danske oplevelsesøkonomi - mellem forening og forretning', published by Samfundslitteratur, April 2008.
  • 'Idræt for alle - baggrund og analyse', rapport fra the Ministry of Culture’s ’Breddeidrætsudvalg’, March 2009.

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